Top 10k strings from Dragonia (1988)(Astros Productions)(128k)[Multiface copy].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   4 `ppp``ppp``````  `
   4 ``` ```88```0
   4 `8`  ```x```hh0hhhhh0hhhh00hhhh00hhhh00hhhh00hhhhh0hhhhh0hhh`0``````0``` ``((`
   3 You take the>
   2 xxhhhhxxhhhxxxhh`xxx8``xxx8``x8x88088x00088x00`8888```8`X`$
   2 ppphhhpppphhpppphp``pppp``
   2 ppphhhpppphhpppph```pppp``
   2 pPPPPPpPPP00p00000p000000080
   2 iiEiiEzzEiiEiiEF
   2 `xx``p `  ``hhh8hhhhh8hhhhh8hhhh88hhhh88hhhh8888hh8888hh8888```8`````8``` `8p(0088
   2 ```8 ``  ```0
   2 ``` ```88```
   2 `8`  ```````hhh8hhhhh8hhhhh8hhhh88hhh888hhhh8888hh8888hh8888```8`````8``` `8p(0088
   2 `8`  ```````hhh8hhhhh8hhhhh8hhhh88hh8888hhhh8888hh8888hh8888```8`````8``` `8p(0088
   2 `8`  ```````hh0hhhhh0hhhh00hhhh00hhhh00hhhh00hhhhh0hhhhh0hhh`0``````0``` ``((`
   2 You put on the>
   2 M128 LOADING":
   2 888hhh8888hh8888hh``88``8``8
   2 0PPPPP0PPPpp00PPPp0PPPPp0PP00p00000p00000p0  ppp0ppppp0pp00p0000pp000 
   2 080  0000000
   2 0008 00  0000
   2 0000000`8`  `  ```,
   2 0000000`8`  `  ```%
   1 you can not>
   1 xxxhhhxxxxxhxxxxxxx8hxxxx8hx88x8`x88x8`x88x8`x88000x88000x88` `x88   ```hh(hhhhh(hhh
   1 xxhhhhxxhhhhxxhhhh88hhhh888hh`888```888``8888 `
   1 xxPPPxxxxPPxxxxPPxxxxP00xx0008xx80088880
   1 xPPPPPxPPPxxxxxPPPxPPPPPxPPPPPxPPPPPxPPP00x00000x000p00  0
   1 xPPPPPxPPPxxxxxPPPxPPPPPxPPPPPxPPPPPxPPP00x00000x000800 00
   1 xHHHHHxHHHxxxxxHHHxHHHHHxHHHHHxHHHHHxHHH((x(((((x(((h(( ((
   1 x88x888(((((0
   1 x88`  x8x8``-
   1 what you see.>
   1 water in it!>
   1 want to use?>
   1 try the well?>
   1 toolkit   used by thieves! 
   1 to trade..>
   1 to talk to..>
   1 they seem...>
   1 the Norththe West
   1 the East the South
   1 the CROWN !>
   1 strong magic.>
   1 strength...>
   1 stranger..>
   1 stranger, with>
   1 stake     long and sharp   
   1 spade     very heavy       
   1 some valuables>
   1 some time>
   1 scroll (v)P E L L
   1 scroll (u)D I S
   1 scroll (t)D E L A M
   1 scroll (s)S I N O R
   1 scroll (r)L U D O G
   1 scroll (q)D I S S I
   1 scroll (p)T R S O H
   1 scroll (o)Z E S A T
   1 scroll (n)F R I M E
   1 scroll (m)C H Y K E
   1 scroll (l)K E N E A
   1 scroll (k)Y O U E N
   1 scroll (j)P O W T H
   1 scroll (i)G O O D A
   1 scroll (h)U S A B L
   1 scroll (g)N E M E D
   1 scroll (f)G W T Y L
   1 scroll (e)R D E R F
   1 scroll (d)W B I E A
   1 scroll (c)H E A Y O
   1 scroll (b)I R O G A
   1 scroll (a)F E N T E
   1 running out..>
   1 run       
   1 ring      an opal ring     
   1 ring      a diamond ring   
   1 right place..>
   1 protected by>
   1 pouch     full of coins    
   1 p0phP0p0phh0p0phh0p0phh0p0p``0p0p``0p0p`8````
   1 p00000p`880000``0hh``hp0h `
   1 out of time.>
   1 opal ring>
   1 opal ring off>
   1 of the Elite!>
   1 nothing here>
   1 not wear it..>
   1 not fit..>
   1 need water.>
   1 nectar    the drink of Gods
   1 locked...>
   1 knife     a hunting knife  
   1 key cracks>
   1 key       made of wood     
   1 key       made of metal    
   1 hxxhhEhxxhxphxxhhphxxhxphxxhxx`xxhxp8xx88p888888
   1 hour-glassmade of bronze   
   1 hhxxhEhhxxhphhxxhpxhxxhpxhxxhpxhxxhpphxx`pp8xx8888888
   1 hhhhPphhhP0phh
   1 hhhh((hppp((hppp((hppp((hppp((hppp```
   1 hhhh((h000((h000((h000((h000((h000000
   1 hhhPPPhhhhhPhhhhhhh(Phhhh(Ph((h(0h((h(0h((h(0h((ppph((ppph((0 0h((   000PP(PPPPP(PPP
   1 hammer    made of glass    
   1 hPPPPPhxxxxhh(xzzhh(x{xhh(xxxhh(xxxX`(xxxX`0`h```
   1 hPPPPPhhxxxxhhxx((hhxx((hhxx((``xxxx``xxxx`h````
   1 guards the>
   1 garlic    rather large     
   1 footsteps from>
   1 flask     full of water    
   1 flask     empty
   1 feel better..>
   1 draining your>
   1 door but the>
   1 diary     full of notes    
   1 diamond ring>
   1 diamond ring off>
   1 crystal stone.>
   1 crown     The Great Crown  
   1 crossbow  a deadly weapon  
   1 cross     holly
   1 concentrate!>
   1 carry anything>
   1 box       small but heavy  
   1 book      very old
   1 been enhanced.>
   1 back a spade>
   1 aw##> w!\[~
   1 anything here.>
   1 any arrows..>
   1 and hit a key>
   1 an hour-glass!>
   1 always what>
   1 already...>
   1 all round,>
   1 `x``88 ``888``   ``     hh`0h0hh0p0h`h0hh 0h00``00ph  h00hhh`00```(0p`` `0p` (
   1 `x`  ```````
   1 `x`  ` ```8`
   1 `p``88```xxx0
   1 `p`X`88``` `hhhh88hxxx888xxx888xxx888xxx88xxxxx8((xxx8(((xx8(((xx8((((x80000x80000x80008888``888`` ```0
   1 `p`(```  `x`0
   1 `hhhhh 0hhhhhhh``hh hhhh
   1 `h``````8`p`0
   1 ```````p``````  `h
   1 ```````800  x000  
   1 ```````(`` `hhhhhhPPPP
   1 ``````` ````` `88`
   1 ```````  ````   `8
   1 ``````  ```(``88`x
   1 ``````  00 ```000x
   1 `````(````x8```88(00xx8(00xx((`88((,888(,(0
   1 ```88``(``` 0pPhhh0p0Phh0p0pPh0p0p0
   1 ```((``88```jjjjjjh8888hxxxx88x88xxxxxppxxx8888x88888xx8888xx88888x8888x`0000`
   1 ``XhXhhhP  ``hhhhhhhVVhhhhhhh h` hhXXPPPhhh``hhhhhhhVVhhhhhhh`h`hhhhXP
   1 ``LH0HLLLH0HHHHH0(((((0((``h((```(
   1 ``8(8``xx(x888x8x8
   1 ``8(8``xx(x888x((8x8(((xx(((((x
   1 ``0`8`x`````
   1 ``  ``p`  ``
   1 ``  ````` `` `
   1 ``  `8`x````XhhhhhxXhhhh8xXhhhxxxXhhx8xxXhxxxxxX((x88h((xxxh((x8x`((xxx`00````
   1 ``   ```` `hphh`hhphhhhhpphhhppppphhpphh``pp````pp`` `pp`800pp0000pp00``ppp` ``p``   hhh   `hh   `hh  ```h`````hh``
   1 ``   ```` `
   1 `X``` ``8`  hhh` h  h` h`hhhhh`hhhhh0h  hh0h  hh0hhhhh0hhhhh0`````0``((8``(((`
   1 `X``8```````
   1 `8pp``````8`````` `` ```hhXh``hhXhhhXhXhhhhXXPPPhhXPhhhhXPhh``XP````XP````XP`x00XP0000XP00XXXP```XXPPP`` `hh    `h``  `h   ``hP  ``hhhh``
   1 `8`ppp`` `p`hh``  h`````h` ` `h``h `hhhh``h h` hh`h`
   1 `8```````  `xxxx8
   1 `8`  ```x```0
   1 `8`  ```x```
   1 `88`` ``````   ``h   ``h ````h`h0``hhhphhhh0hhhhh0hhhhh0hhhhp0````0```  ```8``
   1 `88` `0```  hhhhhh
   1 `8 `8 ```(  0
   1 `0000xh0000`0
   1 `((88```` ``0
   1 ` ``8````p``
   1 ` ``8`` ````hhhxxhhhhxxh
   1 ` ``8``  ```
   1 ` `` ``  ```
   1 ` (( (`  (((
   1 `  ```````8`0
   1 `  `` ````8`hxxhhhhxxhhhhxxhh
   1 `  `8`    ``hh`hhhhh`
   1 You wear it>
   1 You wake up,>
   1 You urgently>
   1 You unlock the>
   1 You unlock it>
   1 You try but>
   1 You recovered>
   1 You have run>
   1 You find an>
   1 You fill up>
   1 You feel fine>
   1 You drop it..>
   1 You drink, and>
   1 You don't have>
   1 You don't find>
   1 You do not>
   1 You die from>
   1 You carry:>
   1 You can see>
   1 You can hear>
   1 You are very>
   1 You are one>
   1 XXXXXP(((((P(((((P((00(P((00(P((00(0(((((0(((((000000
   1 Why don't you>
   1 What do you>
   1 VVhhhhhhh``````` ```    `hhhhhhhVVhhhhhhh` ` `hhXh````  `hhhhhhhVVhhhhhhh``h `hhXhhh   ``hhhhhhhVV
   1 VV`   ```8pp``XXXP``((``` `p`(``VV
   1 Time left:>
   1 Time is frozen>
   1 Things are not>
   1 There's nobody>
   1 There is no>
   1 The script>
   1 The manor is>
   1 The key will>
   1 The key has>
   1 The door is>
   1 Thank you>
   1 Thank you !>
   1 Take what off?>
   1 Start tape>
   1 Spells left:>
   1 Silence..>
   1 Put, what on?>
   1 Please me>
   1 Ph0p0p0h((0p0h((0p0h((0p0h0p0p0`0p0p0``` ```
   1 PPPPPhhppphh``````xx88x`8xxxx`
   1 PPPPPh(((((h(((((h((pp(h((pp(h((pp(`(((((`(((((``````
   1 Offer to whom?>
   1 O H I J K L M N O@H@I@J@K@L@M@N@O`H`I`J`K`L`M`N`O
   1 Not the right>
   1 No deal..>
   1 New game..>
   1 L``L``H``L`HHLLH`HHHHH0H``LH0
   1 I have a spade>
   1 He gives you>
   1 H`LLpHHLHHppHHHpppppHHppHH((pp((((pp(( (pp(hhhpphhhhpphh((ppp( ((p((   
   1 HHHH0HHHHH0HHHHp0((((0(((  (((h((
   1 H  ```L`````LH``LLHHLLL
   1 Fill, what?>
   1 FFiiEiiEzzEiiEiiEF
   1 FFiiEiiEzzEiiEiiE
   1 Evil magic>
   1 Evil magic is>
   1 Dig with what?>
   1 DRAGONIA  ,
   1 DRAGON128B
   1 DRAGON1288
   1 DRAGON1287
   1 DRAGON1286$0
   1 DRAGON1285%2
   1 DRAGON1284
   1 DRAGON1283
   1 D R A G O N I A   
   1 But you do>
   1 Bring me the>
   1 >&~~~x`xx`
   1 8xx(hh((((
   1 8hhhxx8hxxxx88xxxxx8xxx888xxx8(88xx8(x88x8(``8x8
   1 8hhhhh0hhhppppphppppphhh0hhhhh0hhh``0`````0 ``` 0  `
   1 8hh``88```8888``8888`08888008xx80`8xx8``888``
   1 8````88```xxx  88``
   1 8``XXPPP```x```  `x`!
   1 8``  ``p````jjjjjjhhhhhh0p0p0p0p0p0p0ppppp0hhhhp0hhhhp0hhhhp0    p00000p`0000`
   1 8`88```X``p`0
   1 8`  ``````x`hhh`  hh``` h```` h`````hh```
   1 8`  `8``````hh``  h``   h``   h`` ``h`h0hhhhh0hhhhh00hhhhh0h````00`````0`0`h`
   1 88x88xxxxxx8xx8`x8`xx`xx`x8xxxxxxx88xxx88xxx``````
   1 88``X```````
   1 8088000X00p00
   1 0pppp8hpppp00
   1 0p0p0phhhp0(hhhp0(hhhp0(hhhp0phhhp0p000```
   1 0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p0p``````
   1 0p08000  0x00
   1 0h00000080p00
   1 0880 00000  PPPPPP
   1 0000000p000000  0h
   1 00000008pp  xppp  
   1 0000000(0hh0
   1 0000000(00 0PPPPPPXXXX
   1 0000000((0000(((08
   1 000000  pp 000pppx
   1 00( ((((h(h(  ((h(   
   1 0((880000 000
   1 0  080    00>
   1 0  000080080$
   1 .--.--.--./.--.--.--.
   1 .---.---.---./.---.--.
   1 .---.---.---.---.---.
   1 (p(X(hh((( (HHHH((Hhhh(((hhh(((hhh(((hhh((hhhhh(((hhh((((hh((((hh(((((h(hhhhh(hhhhh(hhh(((h((((((( (((0
   1 (p(((((  (h(0
   1 (hhhhh(hhhhh(hhhh(((hh`(((```(((
   1 (hh(((X((p(0
   1 (hh(( ((((((   ``
   1 (h(  (((((((
   1 (h(  ( (((h(
   1 (``((((((h(HHL`  HL``` L```` L`````HL```HHHLLL
   1 (X((( ((0(  
   1 (HHHhh(Hhhhh((hhhhh(hhh(((hhh((((hh((h((h((((hh(
   1 ((xzxx((xxxx((xxxx((xxxx((````
   1 ((``` ```x``0
   1 ((`` ````8``0
   1 ((` ````8`0`  ``0`   
   1 ((X(((((((
   1 ((0 000080p0  00p0   
   1 (((hh((`((( 
   1 (((hh(((( ((0
   1 (((h ((  (((0
   1 ((((h((((((LL``  L``   L``   L`` ``L`L0LLLLH0HHHHH00HHHHH0H((((00(((((0(0(h(0
   1 (((((h(((((hh((((hh((((hh((((hh((((hh((((`h((((```````
   1 (((((P(((((Ph((((Ph((((Ph((((Ph((((Ph((((0h((((0000000
   1 (((((((p((((((  (
   1 (((((((hhh  hhhh  
   1 (((((((,((((,,&
   1 (((((((  ((((   (
   1 ((((((  hh (((
   1 ((  (h(h((((XHHHHH8XHHHH8xXHHHx8xXHHx8xxXH888x8XP
   1 (  (((((((h(0
   1 'Seek the sign>
   1  the flask.>
   1  pppp 8pppp00
   1  hhhh hhhhh(0
   1  hh``hhhh``h``0hhh```
   1  ```````x```hhhh``hh  hhhh` h`hhhh``h  
   1  `````  (`
   1  ```` ``88` hpppxhhpppphhpppph*
   1  ````  ```
   1  ```XP``` `````  ```VV`((` ``8`   ``XP`x` `88``   `8VV```8`
   1  ```8```hhxx8000x88000(888  (8x8``0
   1  ```8```hh
   1  ``` ``88```
   1  ``8 `  88``
   1  `000`  `0``hhhhh
   1  Astros 1987>
   1  A s t r o s P r o d u c t i o n s   1 9 8 7I
   1  00000  80
   1  0000 80000`0
   1  (hhh(  (h((HHHHHPHHHHPXHHHP
   1  (((((((h(((HLLL``HL``HHHL``H`LLLL``L``HHHLL
   1  (((((  h(
   1  ((((  (((
   1   ```    `00000x000088`p``88```xxx0
   1   ```    `
   1   ``08``p`0`p```````p`` ````hhhhhXhh8hXxhh8Xx8hhXx8xhXxxxxX8xx8xhxxxx(hxx88(`8xxx(`xx8x(`````
   1   DRAGONIA>
   1   00px00p0p0p0000000p00 0000HHHHHXHH8HX8HH8X88HHX88xHX88xxX88x88H8xx8PH8x88P(8xx8P(8888P(((((
   1   ((hh((p(h(p(((((((p(( ((((0
   1    ``  (  
   1         "DRAGON1284"